Section: Obv.
His majesty, etc. . . . Now I have sent the ogu Alýaya on a mission to Khotan. For the sake of the affairs of your province I have sent in the hand of the ogu Alýaya a horse as a present to the King of Khotan. Provisions for this horse are to be given from Saca and Caḍ́ota: from Saca 10 vacari of meal, 10 vacari of phalitaǵa, and lucerne in two sacks, as far as Remena; from Caḍ́ota 15 vacari of meal, 15 vacari of phalitaǵa, and lucerne in three sacks as far as Khema.

Note: Read dui goniyaṃmi aśpita yava remenaṃmi . . . . . . aśpista tre goniyaṃmi 3 yava Kemaṃmi. The word aśpista is Iranian meaning "lucerne". Cf. NP. aspist, supust (Steingass, Dict.) "trefoil, clover", Pahlavi aspast Pašto špēšta "lucerne" (Morgenstierne, Etym. Voc. of Pašto, s.v.)
Phalitaǵa is clearly some kind of horse food like satu "meal", and aśpista "lucerne".