Section: 1
Fragmentary at r. and in margins: ll. 6 recto + 6 verso of ordinary, pointed dbu can xylograph; in margin 'spyod' and the folio number brgya zhe brgyad gong 148a, verso the folio number brgya zhe brgyad 'og, 148b.
Fragment of a work concerning retribution in future lives for irreligion, sacrilege etc.
The fragment begins - /dam/ dge 'dun gyi dkor ram/phyogs bcu'i dge 'dun gyi dkor phrogs pa dang 'phrag tu... 'robbing the treasure of the Saṃgha or of the Saṃgha of the Ten Regions...' Concerning the marginal spyod see under 016.b (IOL Tib M 11).

(FWT )