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Family Teachings of the Grand Duke, one scroll 太公家教一卷 Paper folded for columns; badly damaged. Mediocre hand; corrections. Colophon (same hand): “Read by the student Sung Wen-hsien and copied by An Wen-te on the fifteenth day of the first month in the year 850.” 大中四年庚午正月十五日學生宋文顯讀安文德寫. See Pelliot chinois 2600. Additional notation: “Twelfth month of the year 890. The lay student of the Li family is a big stone hall (?).” 大順元年十二月李家斈郎是大[#18](?=畾, 磊?, cf. T383.10; or → 哥 “brother”?) 堂. Mention of “spurious singing” 偽唱.

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At beginning edge: { }文題. The first character, only partly legible, might be an unusual simplified form of pien 變(変) but is too indistinct to be certain. If it were pien, this would then mean “title of a transformation text (pien-wen)” and might refer to a text that has been torn off the front of r. Many practice characters by Sung and others. Local documents. Signatures include that of the commoner, Lu Chung-ta 百姓盧忠達. Lay society circulars. Most of the writing on v is very childish and messy.
