Section: 1
Classified Notes on the Yogācāryabhūmi-śāstra” 瑜伽師地論分門記 as related by the bhadanta and Tripitaka Dharma Master, Fa-ch’eng 大德三藏法師法成. Written in a very hurried hand. Owned by the sramaṇas T’an-hsün 談迅 and Fu-hui 福慧. After their names, which appear at the head of each chapter, comes the remark “heard” 聽 or “while listening along” 隨聽 or “note made while listening along” 隨聽記. Their names also occur in alternation on v° where the seams of separate sheets of paper are joined. Many corrections, additions, and erasures, both in red and in black ink. Punctuation and highlighting in red. Rather thick, soft, ordinary beige paper (except Pelliot chinois 2122). Other, mostly Zen, texts are copied on v° of Pelliot chinois 2039, including a “Eulogy of the Diamond Sūtra,” one fascicle 金剛經讚一卷 (head title), 金剛讚一卷 (end title). See also the entry for Pelliot chinois 2122.
