Section: Obv.
(2) The śramana Saṃghaparana received 1 milima of corn.
(4) Another sowing (took place) in the land of [. . .
(5) From Ṣokota there was a sowing,[ . . .
(6) I sowed the land of Ktesana; 2 milima of corn was received.
(7) There was sowing in the land of [. . .]; from that 2 milima of corn was received, also 6 khi of wine.
(8) . . . .] 1 milima of corn was received, also two rolls of silk were received, also twenty-five sheep [. . .

Section: Rev.
(1) . . .] and of Budhaghoṣa. 3 khi of wine was received.
(2) The slave of Saṃgaparana entered into my house and (?) three rolls of silk, (3, 4) also 2 śata racana, (5) and 1 vusṕarta (rasṕarta). There he was (?). On this elevated ground there was sowing.
(6) Further ares̱a [. . . ] palaśa [1].
(7) . . .] time here I received ( 2 ‹milima (?)› of wine potǵa and 3 milima of wine ṣamiyo for the sake of a woman.
(8) Further 3 khi of giṃta was received.

Note: This document is rendered unusually obscure, partly on account of its fragmentary nature, and partly because of the number of isolated and unexplained words occurring in it. Unexplained words are: racana (śata racana, śata may of course mean "100", in which case "200 racana"), vusṕarta, the reading of which cannot be determined with certainty since it is found nowhere else, ares̱a which occurs elsewhere without its being possible to define its meaning, and giṃta, some commodity measured in khi, oṣaḍha cannot be = asuṣadha (Khar. Inscri., p. 305), since there is no reason why dh should change to ḍh. The word potǵa (R. 7) may be short for potǵoñena which occurs frequently in connection with masu "wine" as also does ṣamiyo. Of neither has the meaning been determined. In that case understand milima before the figure 2. may be connected with piro "bridge".