Section: R.1
Title at beginning:華嚴經論佛昇須彌頂品第九十五
End missing.
Part of juan 15 of theHuayanjing lun(see MS 2b). 25 lines of text (此處是第三 to 說爾時如來). MS 2c seems to be unique in transmitting this part of theHuayanjing lun, a work originally in 100 juan, only one of which (juan 10) is preserved in the Zoku Zōkyō (Z sec.1, vol.93, pp.468b-472b). S.3987 and possibly S.3986 transmit other fragments of the same work. The text is part of the introduction to the commentary to T no.278, vol. 9, p. 441b.5-441c.19.
