Section: v1
Vimalakīrti[-sūtra] Seat-Settling Text維摩押座文 (head title). Used in collation of T829–823. Has identifying ya-tso-wen formula and the refrain “Buddhaputra佛子. Followed immediately by heptasyllabic verses on the Vimalakīrti-sūtra (lack title). T589–591. There is a long, clear break after T590.4 in which are written, upside-down, notes on the Vimalakīrti-sūtra (these occur, at intervals, across v° in a fairly good, rapid hand). The section following is labeled “Chapter on upāya方便品. Lacks indentifying formula for chiang-ching-wen. Then a sūtra lecture text for part of the Amitābha-sūtra. “Bitter Lament of Hell” 地獄苦吟 (head title). Main text for the collation of T482–486. Has identifying formula for chiang-ching-wen. Many evidences of oral peformamce: “What follows is spoken” 此下白道. “Continuing the lecture” 講下. “Sing it clearly in the shang mode” 清涼調唱將來. “What follows is the singing of the sūtra” 此下唱, etc. Also has the refrain “Buddhaputra佛子. The three main texts on v° are in mediocre hands. Punctuation, additions, corrections, erasures.

Section: r1
Portion of a commentary on the Yogācāryabhūmi-śāstra 瑜伽師地論分門記 related by the national bhadanta and tripiṭaka master, śramaṇa Fa-ch’eng 國大德三藏法師沙門法成述. Ordinary beige paper with a reddish tint; fibrous and coarse. In a semi-cursive, fairly good hand. Additions, corrections, highlighting in red. Owned by Fu-hui 福慧, whose name appears in large red letters on v° (covered by writing in black ink).
