Section: 1
Complete: ll. 6 recto + 6 verso of a rather square dbu can xylograph, somewhat resembling that of the Paris national fount represented in the Rgya cher rol pa as edited by Foucaux; in margin left, chos spyod and the fol. number brgya bdun, right recto and the fol. number '107' verso and the same fol. number.
Fragment of a work in short statements, on practice of Buddhism. Begins - .../pa'i ye shes dang sku dang gsung dang thugs kyi gsan bar gyur pa'o//de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi sangs rgyas kyi byang chub bo//yang dag par rdzogs pa'i snags rgyas rnams kyi mngon par rtogs pa'o/
On the marginal quasi title, chos spyod, see under 016.e (IOL Tib M 12).

(FWT )