Section: R.1
Scripture of Instruction from the Divine Being on Observing Conduct According to the Majestic Protocols of the Three Primordials
"juan 2. This fragment of a Daoist text corresponds to columns 11-26 or P.2410. In his analysis of P.2410, P.2828, Or.8210/S.3140, and Or.8210/S.5308, Ofuchi_1978: 121-22 concludes that this scripture eveolved on the model of an early codification of protocols for bhiksu, T1470: T1470 "Da bi qiu san qian wei yi". The catalogue of missing scriptures, HY1419: HY 1419 "Dao zang que jing mu lu", lists a "Dong xuan ling bao san yuan wei yi jing xing jing" in four juan."
