Section: R.1
Title at beginning and end:瑜珈師地論卷第一.
Following this at bedinning: 彌勒菩薩說, 無著菩薩造; subtitle on the next line: 本地分中五識身相應地第一之一.
Colophon in red: 大中九年三月十五日智惠山隨學聽.
Juan 1 of theYogacarābhūmi-śāstra, translated by Facheng 法成. The colophon reads: [Note written on copy of śāstra made] to attend lectures with on the 15th of the 3rd month of the 9th year of Dazhong 大中(A.D.855)by Zhihuishan 智惠山." A copy of the same text made by the same person was in the possession of Wuzhen 悟真(816-895). The text consists of 370 lines (云何瑜珈師 to 處最初入之). The MS translates the same text that Xuanzang translates in T no.1579, vol. 30, pp. 279a.8-283a.20. Facheng's translation has only been transmitted in the form of Dunhuang manuscripts.
